Our Services

We can guide you through your research journey with tools, services and resources to help you set up and manage your human health research study.

Clinical Research Unit

The Clinical Research Unit (CRU) is a key service offered by the Human Health Research Services Platform. The clinic has multiple rooms for assessments for infants, children and adults. It also provides services such as phlebotomy, nursing support and DEXA scanning.

Study coordination

The Liggins Institute employs highly trained and experienced clinical study coordinators who can help guide a research project through ethics approval then through the life of the study to publication.

Statistical support

Our statisticians can help with statistical design and data analysis. We will work with you to design your study to ensure it is adequately powered to answer your clinical question, and then help analyse the result. 

Database design, development and management

Our team can provide methodological and biostatistical support for your clinical trial. We can help with trial design, budgeting and data system set-up. Our team includes database developers, data managers, statisticians and data monitors. 

Follow-up assessors

We have a team of follow-up assessors who are able to complete follow-up assessments for long-term studies throughout New Zealand.

Randomisation services

Our data team has extensive experience building and managing bespoke randomisation sites for trials. Large trials we have provided randomisation services for include ProVIDe and hPOD

Clinical Research Management System (EDGE)

EDGE is a powerful and user-friendly clinical research management system offered by the Human Health Research Services Platform. It streamlines various aspects of research, including patient management, project coordination, and collaboration. 

Health Economist

If you’re considering incorporating a health economics perspective to enhance your work’s impact and real-world applicability, the HHRS Platform has a dedicated health economist available to assist.

Contact us

Talk to us about your research study.

+649 923 1006